Tuesday, 26 February 2008


The Oscott Residents Groups have recently learned that there may be a threat to the Oscott Ward Support Officer Post.
While we fully understand that the Council may need to cut back and indeed should cut back on a number of bureaucratic posts,but we are completely opposed too the possible loss of a Oscott Ward Support Officer.

This post has been one of the few successes in the new tear of local government (constituency) and the officers who work as ward support officers have a vital role in community capacity building. Ours also works hard helping ensuring the Oscott Ward receives funding for a number of local projects.

There are a large number of Council Post which are less needed then the Ward Support Officer post and of course there are now numerous consultants who are on fat cat wages working for the Council who no one would miss if they went tomorrow.

ORG are calling on the Birmingham City Council to retain the Oscott Ward Support Officer Post.

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