The Oscott Residents Association are a group of residents who have the interests of Oscott at hart. We have no political allegiance but recognise to get things done we need to work with our local councillors. We appreciate that they have been very helpful in the past.
We do not accept the notion of artificial boundaries in the Oscott Ward the way some community groups have and we try to represent all Oscott residents. We are independent of the Council authorities and often criticise some of the dafter things they do.
We meet most Saturday mornings at 10.30am at the 610 Community Centre along with other community groups (ORG) and we often discuss issues of importance with local residents at these sessions. If you would like to meet us why not pop along and have a cup of tea with us and tell us what you think about the Oscott area. We also help put out joint community group leaflets and help organise occasion public meeting. For more details please ring 464 1869
Friday, 28 March 2008
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Since it opened in 1863, Witton Cemetery has provided the final resting place for many Brummies. Situated in the south eastern corner of the Oscott Ward, it includes two memorial gardens, several war memorials and an impressive Anglican chapel - the spire of which dominates the landscape for several miles.
The Friends of Witton Cemetery were formed following the recommendation's of a Scrutiny committee led by Oscott Councillor Keith Linnecor a couple of years ago, from amongst the local community.
These residents have since worked tirelessly to preserve the cemetery and to ensure a greater awareness of its unique history and place in the life of our city. They have now launched their own website, which provides an excellent insight into the story of the cemetery and some of the projects that the Friends are currently working on. For further information about the Friends of Witton Cemetary Tel 464 1869
The Friends of Witton Cemetery were formed following the recommendation's of a Scrutiny committee led by Oscott Councillor Keith Linnecor a couple of years ago, from amongst the local community.
These residents have since worked tirelessly to preserve the cemetery and to ensure a greater awareness of its unique history and place in the life of our city. They have now launched their own website, which provides an excellent insight into the story of the cemetery and some of the projects that the Friends are currently working on. For further information about the Friends of Witton Cemetary Tel 464 1869

A number of elderly residents in the Oscott area some times say there is very little for them to do. With this in mind the Oscott Elderly Residents Groups now meet most Saturday mornings at 10.30am at the 610 Community Centre for a chat and a cup of tea.
Elderly residents can also contact Age Concern who hold a meeting where various activities take place on a Thursday at 2pm at the Emanuel Church Kingstanding Road. The Kingstanding Pensioners Convention are looking for New member, they campaign on behalf of elderly residents in the area. There are also many other activities designed for the elderly in Oscott.
If you or any one you know would like to know more about what is happening in the Oscott area why not contact Maureen Byrnes (Chair OERG) via the Oscott Ward Support Officer 464 1869.
ORG strongly recommends every adult in Oscott should vote at this years Local Elections and every other one for that matter.
Why vote? Because in a democracy that’s the way you can get things done and if you don’t vote you can not justify complaining about things.
Who should you vote for? ORG are none political but believe the needs of Oscott should come first. Read any election material you receive, Keep an eye open for press articles etc and think carefully about what the candidate has done or tried to do in the past for Oscott. Ask questions about what that candidate is trying to do for this area.
Why vote? Because in a democracy that’s the way you can get things done and if you don’t vote you can not justify complaining about things.
Who should you vote for? ORG are none political but believe the needs of Oscott should come first. Read any election material you receive, Keep an eye open for press articles etc and think carefully about what the candidate has done or tried to do in the past for Oscott. Ask questions about what that candidate is trying to do for this area.
Saturday, 15 March 2008
There will be a new tree planting session at the Queslett Road. This will take place on the 22nd March at 10am. The meeting place will be the Ashworth Road Entrance.
If you would like to take part (everyone is welcome) please bring a spade and be prepared to roll up your sleeves. Litter picking will also take place.
For more details about the Friends of the Queslett Nature Reserve, the organising group please ring either Mr Trevor 464 1869 or the FQNR Chair Councillor Keith Linnecor 360 6486.
We would like to thank BOSF for their funding which has helped to pay for a new Web Site and equipment which we will be using to improve the Queslett Nature Reserve.
Please help the environment and wild life in the Oscott area by getting involved.
If you would like to take part (everyone is welcome) please bring a spade and be prepared to roll up your sleeves. Litter picking will also take place.
For more details about the Friends of the Queslett Nature Reserve, the organising group please ring either Mr Trevor 464 1869 or the FQNR Chair Councillor Keith Linnecor 360 6486.
We would like to thank BOSF for their funding which has helped to pay for a new Web Site and equipment which we will be using to improve the Queslett Nature Reserve.
Please help the environment and wild life in the Oscott area by getting involved.
Thursday, 13 March 2008
The Kingstanding Neighbourhood Police Initiative (N.P.I) is a small band of dedicated volunteers who work closely with the Police with the aim of creating a better understanding between them and the local community. In our view it is it is better to try and reduce crime than to simple complain about it.
We are looking for volunteers who can spend a couple of hours each month working from our room in the Kingstanding Police Station disseminating information out to our Street Coordinators and through them to the general public. (Police checks will be required for those wishing to carry out this important role)
The types of information we give and is crime trends in the local area and where applicable warnings to be on guard against a particular crime.
Our Volunteers (Sector Coordinators) also receive information from our Street Coordinators which they pass on to the Police intelligence section in order to try and reduce crime in the area.
The NPI with the aid of Councillor Keith Linnecor and the Police also on occasions carry out crime prevention leafleting and organise public meeting where the Police can inform the public of their activities and also listen to any the problems residents have.
If you would like more information please Telephone 464 1869 for details.
We are looking for volunteers who can spend a couple of hours each month working from our room in the Kingstanding Police Station disseminating information out to our Street Coordinators and through them to the general public. (Police checks will be required for those wishing to carry out this important role)
The types of information we give and is crime trends in the local area and where applicable warnings to be on guard against a particular crime.
Our Volunteers (Sector Coordinators) also receive information from our Street Coordinators which they pass on to the Police intelligence section in order to try and reduce crime in the area.
The NPI with the aid of Councillor Keith Linnecor and the Police also on occasions carry out crime prevention leafleting and organise public meeting where the Police can inform the public of their activities and also listen to any the problems residents have.
If you would like more information please Telephone 464 1869 for details.

Our main aim is to improve the Queslett Nature Reserve for the wild life and those who use the Reserve.
Members should respect the wildlife and the environment in the Queslett Nature Reserve.
Members should be careful not to disturb the wild life in the QNR
Members are encouraged to do what they can to increase the membership of the F.Q.N.R.
Members should be considerate of other members and the general public.
Members should work with their committee and the Birmingham Council Leisure Services department to improve the QNR.
No pruning, construction work or any similar occurrence should take place without the permission of the relevant Birmingham City Council officer.
Any member seeing an unlawful act such as vandalism should report the matter to the Parks department or the Police as necessary. We are the eyes and ears of the reserve and act as a Reserve watch.
Members have no additional authority where the QNR is concerned.
Any fund raising or publicity regarding the FQNR must be undertaken with the agreement of the Executive Committee and be cleared by the Chair
Members should also consider the surrounding area’s environmental needs (including the near by Aldridge Road Recreation Ground )
The FOQNR is a voluntary organisation.
When working in the Queslett Nature Reserve the safety of you and those around you is of paramount concern please take care at all times.
When attending out door events at the Queslett Nature Reserve please come prepared for the weather
LOCATION The Queslett Nature Reserve is located off Old Horns Crescent where it has an entrance (near the Queslett ASDA superstore) and has another main entrance in Ashworth Road. There are 2 other entrances off Booths Lane at present.
Useful contact No
Police -emergences 999
Police -general enquires / reports 0845 113 5000
Parks -department 464 8728 / Park Patrols 464 7810
Oscott Ward Support Officer- Mike Trevor- 464 1869
Chair FQNR - Councillor Keith Linnecor 360 6486
Our main aim is to improve the Queslett Nature Reserve for the wild life and those who use the Reserve.
Members should respect the wildlife and the environment in the Queslett Nature Reserve.
Members should be careful not to disturb the wild life in the QNR
Members are encouraged to do what they can to increase the membership of the F.Q.N.R.
Members should be considerate of other members and the general public.
Members should work with their committee and the Birmingham Council Leisure Services department to improve the QNR.
No pruning, construction work or any similar occurrence should take place without the permission of the relevant Birmingham City Council officer.
Any member seeing an unlawful act such as vandalism should report the matter to the Parks department or the Police as necessary. We are the eyes and ears of the reserve and act as a Reserve watch.
Members have no additional authority where the QNR is concerned.
Any fund raising or publicity regarding the FQNR must be undertaken with the agreement of the Executive Committee and be cleared by the Chair
Members should also consider the surrounding area’s environmental needs (including the near by Aldridge Road Recreation Ground )
The FOQNR is a voluntary organisation.
When working in the Queslett Nature Reserve the safety of you and those around you is of paramount concern please take care at all times.
When attending out door events at the Queslett Nature Reserve please come prepared for the weather
LOCATION The Queslett Nature Reserve is located off Old Horns Crescent where it has an entrance (near the Queslett ASDA superstore) and has another main entrance in Ashworth Road. There are 2 other entrances off Booths Lane at present.
Useful contact No
Police -emergences 999
Police -general enquires / reports 0845 113 5000
Parks -department 464 8728 / Park Patrols 464 7810
Oscott Ward Support Officer- Mike Trevor- 464 1869
Chair FQNR - Councillor Keith Linnecor 360 6486
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
The Oscott Disability Group think it is about time the Council and the Police sorted out those motorists who park in bus bays. Many of the buses in the Oscott area now have the kneeling facility which means they can dip down at the specially constructed curbed bus bays in order for those in wheel chairs (or those parents using the bus with a pram) to get off the bus more easily. When the bus can not get to the curb at a bus bay because a motorist has parked there it means the wheel chair user (or those with a pram) have trouble getting off the bus.
This is why the ODG are calling for tougher action to be taken against these motorists.
This is why the ODG are calling for tougher action to be taken against these motorists.

The Oscott have your say day took place on Saturday. There were a number of the Oscott community groups represented they, including the Oscott Residents group, The Oscott Elderly residents Group, The Oscott Disability Group, the Oscott Housing Liaison Board, The Neighbourhood Watch and NPI.
We spoke to many local residents from Oscott and the surrounding area about a number of subjects. These included anti social behaviour particularly in Kingstanding, the poor state of some of our roads and the need for more things to do for the kids.
On the day it self a large number of children were present and gave us their views.
It is to be hoped that the leaflets/ information given out by the Council officers and organisations like pertemps will be of value to residents.
The ORG would like to thank the Oscott Ward support Officer Mr Trevor and all those other officers who helped on the day. We would also like to recognise the help and support of our local Councillors Keith Linnecor, Barbara Dring and John Cotton who were there most of the day answering questions.
We spoke to many local residents from Oscott and the surrounding area about a number of subjects. These included anti social behaviour particularly in Kingstanding, the poor state of some of our roads and the need for more things to do for the kids.
On the day it self a large number of children were present and gave us their views.
It is to be hoped that the leaflets/ information given out by the Council officers and organisations like pertemps will be of value to residents.
The ORG would like to thank the Oscott Ward support Officer Mr Trevor and all those other officers who helped on the day. We would also like to recognise the help and support of our local Councillors Keith Linnecor, Barbara Dring and John Cotton who were there most of the day answering questions.
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