Our main aim is to improve the Queslett Nature Reserve for the wild life and those who use the Reserve.
Members should respect the wildlife and the environment in the Queslett Nature Reserve.
Members should be careful not to disturb the wild life in the QNR
Members are encouraged to do what they can to increase the membership of the F.Q.N.R.
Members should be considerate of other members and the general public.
Members should work with their committee and the Birmingham Council Leisure Services department to improve the QNR.
No pruning, construction work or any similar occurrence should take place without the permission of the relevant Birmingham City Council officer.
Any member seeing an unlawful act such as vandalism should report the matter to the Parks department or the Police as necessary. We are the eyes and ears of the reserve and act as a Reserve watch.
Members have no additional authority where the QNR is concerned.
Any fund raising or publicity regarding the FQNR must be undertaken with the agreement of the Executive Committee and be cleared by the Chair
Members should also consider the surrounding area’s environmental needs (including the near by Aldridge Road Recreation Ground )
The FOQNR is a voluntary organisation.
When working in the Queslett Nature Reserve the safety of you and those around you is of paramount concern please take care at all times.
When attending out door events at the Queslett Nature Reserve please come prepared for the weather
LOCATION The Queslett Nature Reserve is located off Old Horns Crescent where it has an entrance (near the Queslett ASDA superstore) and has another main entrance in Ashworth Road. There are 2 other entrances off Booths Lane at present.
Useful contact No
Police -emergences 999
Police -general enquires / reports 0845 113 5000
Parks -department 464 8728 / Park Patrols 464 7810
Oscott Ward Support Officer- Mike Trevor- 464 1869
Chair FQNR - Councillor Keith Linnecor 360 6486
Our main aim is to improve the Queslett Nature Reserve for the wild life and those who use the Reserve.
Members should respect the wildlife and the environment in the Queslett Nature Reserve.
Members should be careful not to disturb the wild life in the QNR
Members are encouraged to do what they can to increase the membership of the F.Q.N.R.
Members should be considerate of other members and the general public.
Members should work with their committee and the Birmingham Council Leisure Services department to improve the QNR.
No pruning, construction work or any similar occurrence should take place without the permission of the relevant Birmingham City Council officer.
Any member seeing an unlawful act such as vandalism should report the matter to the Parks department or the Police as necessary. We are the eyes and ears of the reserve and act as a Reserve watch.
Members have no additional authority where the QNR is concerned.
Any fund raising or publicity regarding the FQNR must be undertaken with the agreement of the Executive Committee and be cleared by the Chair
Members should also consider the surrounding area’s environmental needs (including the near by Aldridge Road Recreation Ground )
The FOQNR is a voluntary organisation.
When working in the Queslett Nature Reserve the safety of you and those around you is of paramount concern please take care at all times.
When attending out door events at the Queslett Nature Reserve please come prepared for the weather
LOCATION The Queslett Nature Reserve is located off Old Horns Crescent where it has an entrance (near the Queslett ASDA superstore) and has another main entrance in Ashworth Road. There are 2 other entrances off Booths Lane at present.
Useful contact No
Police -emergences 999
Police -general enquires / reports 0845 113 5000
Parks -department 464 8728 / Park Patrols 464 7810
Oscott Ward Support Officer- Mike Trevor- 464 1869
Chair FQNR - Councillor Keith Linnecor 360 6486
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