Saturday, 26 April 2008


There was an completely unwarranted attack on one of the Oscott Resident Groups leading members in the letter pages of the Great Barr Observer, (April 25th) by a local resident (MrF).
This resident condemned a previous letter by Mr Quinn (Chair Oscott Residents Association) published in the Great Barr observer, which pointed out that at a meeting, (see previous Post) Councilor Linnecor had informed members that they should get hold of an important Centro Document concerning Bus use in the future.
From the tone of the residents letter (we will not give him the satisfaction of naming him) political implications were made regarding Mr Quinns letter. To see that this was clearly nonsense ORG would recommend you read Mr Quinns letter for your self, (Great Barr Observer 18th April)
We tend to think in the letter attacking Mr Quinn, there is a give away line which talks about the resident who is complaining about Mr Quinn," only seeing Tory leaflets"
It is very sad when for what must be misguided "political reasons" those like Mr Quinn who try and help improve his local community, must have to put up with such nonsense. There were also comments made about the ORA not been known or advertised.
For the record there is information about the ORA in Local Libraries and Community Centres. There are also occasional news letters and of course this blog.
ORA and the ORG work with Local Councillors when it is appropriate but are non political and we are not under the control of the Local Council who ever may be in charge.


Anonymous said...

This was clearly a politically motivated and organised attack on Mr Quinn. It just shows how low some politiions will sink.

Anonymous said...

U can bet some one put the bloke upto this atack.