Friday 12 December 2008


During the winter when the nights are so long we all need to be on our guard against crime.

The Neighbourhood Police Initiative would just like to remind you of some simple precaution to avoid being a victim of crime at this time of year.

  1. Never leave Xmas presents on show in your car when you leave it. DO NOT FORGET TO LOCK IT.
  2. Always leave a light on at night when you go out. (Try using a timer switch?)
  3. Keep all doors, windows ,sheds and garages locked at night in particular.
  4. Ask a neighbour to keep an eye on your home if you are away.
  5. Keep an eye of your purse or wallet and bags when out shopping.
  6. Avoid unlit alley ways.
  7. Don't leave Sat Nav's in you car.
  8. Always check the Id of any one you do not know before you let them in your home. If in doubt call the Police.
  9. Ask the Police for Crime prevention information.
  10. If you see a crime happening do not leave it to others ring 999.

Remember most types of crime is falling in this area and it is a safe place to live, so do not worry to much. Enjoy your Christmas and New Year.

Brian Brookes

NPI Senior Coordinator

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