Sunday, 4 May 2008


ORG would like to congratulate Councillor Green on his election on Thursday. We hope when learns the ropes and gets to know the area better we will be able to work with him. This would of course have to be in a non political way.
ORG were sorry to see Former Councillor John Cotton loose his seat as he had always worked well with all our groups and was always available to listen to our concerns. He worked hard for residents in the area also. He can console himself that he was only defeated because of national issues and if the tide turns we are sure he will return in some way. We all wish John the very best of luck and once again thank him for his efforts over the years.


Anonymous said...

It is a great shame to see Councillor Cotton loose his seat.
From his past record I do not think we can expect a lot from the incumbant.?

Anonymous said...

Agree John Cotton loss is a beig mistake.
A tip Look out for the new OscottCouncillor trying to claim credit for the work of others

Anonymous said...

I am not politally motivated but I did think Mr Cotton did a good job for the area as does his assocaite Mr Linecor