Friday, 16 May 2008


Although I agree ORG should work with our local Councillors we do need to make sure they are more aggressive with the Council administration. We all know that this Council needs a kick up the bum at times and we need our councillors to do this.
However we residents groups can always do this ourselves if necessary.
For example I believe in calling a spade a spade, the Transportation department under this Council is hopeless, drop curbs are too expensive and the state of our roads are awful in places.
We residents groups should make it plain to the Council this is not good enough.
The Council tax is far to high for the service we receive just look at the mess they are making of the green bag collection! As for discipline in our schools. Council inspectors should be out in force.

The Government also needs to get its own act together, the 10p tax fiasco and the amount of bureaucracy in our NHS are just a couple of things that need to be sorted out.

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